Find Carrier By Tracking Number
Insert your Tracking Number to find a courier and see the shipment history.
What is a Tracking Number

Types of Tracking Numbers
- Tracking Number: numbers and letters
- Tracking Number: numbers only
- International Tracking Number: 2 letters + 5 digits + 2 letters
There is no other possible variations as white spaces or symbols is not allowed to use in tracking number.
Tracking Number Format
> International Format: RO123456789GB
> Domestic Format: LX12345, 9400 1000 0000 0000 0000 00, 1Z9999999999999999
Tracking numbers consist of letters and numbers between 8 and 40 characters long sometimes with spaces or hyphens between groupings of characters. When shown on your receipt after shipping a package the tracking number is usually close to the barcode.
FedEx Ground and Express tracking numbers can be between 12 and 14 digits. Before January 2013, Ground tracking numbers were up to 15 digits and Express numbers were up to 12 digits. A UPS tracking number, for domestic packages within the United States, will usually start with "1Z" followed by a 6 character shipper number (numbers and letters), a 2 digit service level indicator, and finally 8 digits identifying the package (the last digit being a check digit), for a total of 18 characters.
DHL Express supports the carrier-independent ISO standard 15459-1 for the identification of single packages. Such identifiers consist of uppercase characters and numerals, and they can be up to 35 digits long. Companies that already use this standard do not require an additional identifier to track their pieces when shipping with DHL Express. In addition, DHL Express uses numeric identifiers of exactly ten digits to track transport orders (i.e. an order to transport a shipment consisting of one or more pieces from A to B). Customers can use both codes for tracking purposes.
Tracking Number Format by Carrier
Tracking Number Format differs with every courier. DHL, FedEx, UPS, USPS and others follows their own Tracking Number Format rules for domestic shipments. Here is a list of most popular carrier companies and their tracking number formats with examples.
#1 USPS Carrier (United States Postal Service) Tracking Number
Is a 20-35 alpha-numeric code or a combination of 13 thirteen alphabetic and numeric characters.
Example:- USPS Tracking®: 9400 1000 0000 0000 0000 00
- Priority Mail®: 9205 5000 0000 0000 0000 00
- Certified Mail®: 9407 3000 0000 0000 0000 00
- Collect On Delivery Hold For Pickup®: 9303 3000 0000 0000 0000 00
- Global Express Guaranteed®: 82 000 000 00
#2 UPS Carrier Tracking Number
Eighteen alpha-numeric characters. It could starts with '1Z' and ends with check digit.
- Starts with "1Z": 1Z9999999999999999
- Starts with "T": T9999999999999999
- Starts with Number: 9999999999999999
- 9 Numbers: 999999999
#3 DHL Carrier Tracking Number
The most popular tracking number format is 10 digits (e.g. 9999 9999 99). Some other less common forms may also exist.
Example: 4221736293#4 FedEx Carrier Tracking Number
FedEx Ground & Express tracking numbers can be between 12 and 14 digits. Before January 2013, Ground tracking numbers were up to 15 digits, and Express numbers were up to 12 digits.
Example:- 12 digits: 9999 9999 9999
- 15 digits: 9999 9999 9999 999
International Tracking Number
Example: RO123456789GB
The track number of the international postal item contains 13 characters of the form XX123456789YY and consists of four blocks:
1- Two latin letters (service type)
2-First 8 numbers: unique shipment number. .
3- Ninth number - check digit calculated by the formula;
4- Two latin letters: the two-letter ISO code of the country from which the postal item follows (for example, RU - Russia, CN - China, SG - Singapore, etc.), or the assigned postal service code (for example, YP - Yanwen Logistics).
International Tracking Number consist of 2 letters, followed by 5-9 numbers and ending with 2 letters.
First two letters represents the type of shipment:
RA-RZ — registered mail shipment (registered card, letter, parcel post, small bag (up to 2 kg), custom bag “M” - an international shipment with a large volume of printed materials: papers, books, magazines);
LA-LZ — tracking letter, several subtypes; use of LZ requires a bilateral agreement;
VA-VZ — value letter;
CA-CZ — international package (more than 2 kg);
EA-EZ — express shipments (EMS от Express Mail Service);
UA-UZ — unregistered and untraceable shipments that are required to undergo customs procedures;
ZA-ZZ — SRM-shipment ( simplified registered mail), simple registered package.
Unique shipment number. According to the rules of UPU-S10, the postal service must assign numbers so that the track number does not repeat for 12 calendar months (the recommended period is 24 calendar months or longer)
Last two letters:
Two latin letters at the end of Tracking Number is a two-letter ISO code of the country from which the postal item follows (for example, RU - Russia, CN - China, SG - Singapore, etc.), or the assigned postal service code (for example, YP - Yanwen Logistics).
Domestic Tracking Number
Domestic tracking number in opposit to international number, has no strict formats. It could be a 5 characters long, or up to 35 characters long. Domestic tracking number can consist only of numbers, or be a combination of numbers and letters.
UPS domestic tracking number
A UPS tracking number, for domestic packages within the United States, will usually start with "1Z" followed by a 6 character shipper number (numbers and letters), a 2 digit service level indicator, and finally 8 digits identifying the package (the last digit being a check digit), for a total of 18 characters.
Example: 1Z9999999999999999